Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal. It is safe and effective for all skin and hair colors. We treat men and women for excessive hair growth which can be due to heredity, side effects of medication, previous temporary hair removal methods, hormones, and stress.

Enjoy complementary consultations with our registered electrologist with 42 years experience

  • 15 minutes


  • 30 minutes


  • 45 minutes


  • 60 minutes



Why continue to struggle with unwanted hair? Put away the tweezers! Tweezing increases hair growth, causes ingrown hairs and infections.

  • The electrolysis treatment uses an extremely fine pre-sterilized, disposable probe, which is inserted into the hair follicle. A small amount of electrical current is applied to the follicle through the probe, destroying the hair. An effective treatment accomplishes permanent hair removal by destroying the base of the follicle. Once the follicle base is destroyed, hair growth can no longer occur.

    If during the initial treatment, the hair is only damaged rather than destroyed, undernourished and weaker hair will grow in its place. However, because this hair is weaker, it will be more responsive to future treatment!

  • Like most hair removal treatments, the number required will vary from person to person. Accounting for the amount of hair in the treated area, skin sensitivity, previous methods of hair removal, and many other factors will determine your treatment schedule. With electrolysis, it’s important to note, the only hairs that can be treated are hairs currently growing. Because of this, multiple sessions will give you the absolute best results!

    Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know how much regrowth will occur or when your body will stimulate any new hairs. Because of this, it is extremely important that electrolysis treatments are done as soon as any regrowth is detected. Without continued treatment, the hair will grow back in its original locations. Electrolysis treatment, more so than other removal treatments, must keep to the appointment schedule set at the beginning of the program. If appointments are missed, you are less likely to get the best results!

    Generally, weekly sessions lasting fifteen minutes to one hour tend to work best. As sessions are continued and more hair is removed, less frequent fifteen-minute touch-ups are normal. Basically, if you stick to your treatment schedule, the sooner you’ll be hair free!

  • Many patients often describe the sensation that comes with electrolysis as a quick warmth. Like with most hair removal treatments, there are some areas that tend to be more sensitive than others as well as higher sensitivity when a woman is on her period. However, with the advanced equipment used today, adjustments are easily made to make each treatment a more comfortable experience.

  • After your treatments, you may experience slight redness and/or swelling of the treated area – but this is completely normal. Symptoms like this should go away within a few hours at most.

    Something to note, after the hair is treated, it is important to keep the area clean and to avoid using any makeup for at least 24 hours. This will ensure the open follicle stays clean while it’s prone to any bacteria.

  • You bet it does! Although, any previous hair removal does cause regrowth to be coarser. This usually will require more treatments and untreated or finer hair. You’ll still get permanent results by the end of your program – it just may take a little longer!

  • Electrolysis can remove hair from most body areas. The most commonly treated areas for both include eyebrows, upper lip, hairline, stomach, underarms, legs, and bikini line.

  • "I go to Aline for electrolysis, and have seen such a great reduction in hair and peach fuzz since I've been going. Much happier with electrolysis than laser hair removal--although I have to go more frequently, I've seen more permanent results."

    — Laura, YELP

  • "This has got to be one of my favorite treats. I have been using this spa for years now. My favorite thing is the electrolysis treatments. Always done with care and professionalism. My face looks so much better and that alone makes me feel better. Plus the technician is such a special person, which makes the whole treatment personal. Thank you Peaches and Cream for making my life better."

    — Linnette, YELP